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- Modismo
ActiveLatin American artists
Recent Releases
- audiota_senderos_en_los_planos_infinitos - July 9th, 2023
- M046_Alberto_Bone__Presente_distópico - June 8th, 2022
- Emmerichk_Echo_Around_101 - January 11th, 2022
- M033 jack_plug encapsulado - August 23rd, 2021
- Razón Desconocida_-_Encuentro - February 10th, 2021
- M041_Only1_Bahía_Gris - November 2nd, 2020
- M040 M=W: Años Luz - September 22nd, 2020
- M039_SMOK_Brain_Damage - July 7th, 2020
- javier_moraga_perdiendo_contacto - May 6th, 2020
- M023_Emmerichk_Sleepy_HZ - October 7th, 2019
- M031 Nostromo Mind Stalker - June 12th, 2019
- M030 VA Modismo 5 - December 2nd, 2018
- M029_JavierMoraga_RasgosParticulares - August 28th, 2018
- M028_Of_Aridos - June 10th, 2018
- M027 Rene Roco Dit - April 15th, 2018
- M026_Pirata_En_El_Aire_Estoy - January 7th, 2018
- M025 Palm Era Gimo - October 22nd, 2017
- Mrtn Cstr Arquitectura Espectral - July 24th, 2017
- m024_mrtn_cstr_arquitectura_espectral - July 24th, 2017
- Blit_Fauna_Ficcion - April 9th, 2017
- M022 - January 22nd, 2017
- calles_verticales - December 2nd, 2016
- mezc001 - October 5th, 2016
- VA Modismo 4 - July 3rd, 2016
- M020 VA Modismo 4 - July 3rd, 2016
- M019_Art 001 - March 1st, 2016
- M018 Herbs & Trips - November 5th, 2015
- C0l0r B01l3r - September 1st, 2015
- [ M 016] Alisu Nave Afrodita - June 14th, 2015
- Girls Alive - March 22nd, 2015
- modismo_001_VA_Aveces jijo a veces robok - January 24th, 2015
- m014_sonae_entmutigt - December 9th, 2014
- suke8__ludopath - October 23rd, 2014
- alisu_previews - October 14th, 2014
- Imaabs - pastiche encapuchao - July 12th, 2012
- The Thin Line OST - July 12th, 2012
- The Dub Vaders - Dubforms - November 6th, 2011
- Dla - las esquinas - February 17th, 2011
- alisu_indomita - August 4th, 2009
- blitsys - June 11th, 2009
- blit_sano_y_salvo - May 3rd, 2009
- VA - A Veces Jijo, A Veces Robok Vol. 2 - April 21st, 2009
- happyhabibi - April 5th, 2009
- dlamep - January 27th, 2009
- modismo año nuevo 2009 golden hits - December 31st, 2008
If you’d like your netlabel to have a recent release list like the above, please contact us here and provide us with an RSS feed url that only lists music releases.